Install: Using docker to run jenkins container
There is an official jenkins image that can help you install jenkins rapidly. After installed docker, you just need to run
$ docker pull jenkins
to download jenkins image, and then run
$ docker run --name jenkins -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 jenkins
to quickly run jenkins in your host. Port 50000 is used to connect a slave agent.
All Jenkins data lives in folder /var/jenkins_home
. We usually attach a volume to save
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /var/jenkins_home /path/to/host/jenkins/workspace
By the way, we can always using
$ docker cp jenkins:/var/jenkins_home /path/to/host/backup/workspace
to backup the directory.
Configure: Using jenkins-job-builder to yamlize job configurations
Jenkins Job Builder takes simple descriptions of Jenkins jobs in YAML format, and uses them to configure Jenkins. You can keep your job descriptions in human readable text format in a version control system to make changes and auditing easier. It also has a flexible template system, so creating many similarly configured jobs is easy.
One thing I’ve found really helpful is Variable References
powered by yaml:
- pass an object (boolean, list or dict) to template
- Using anchors and Alias to references to variables in template.
- scm:
name: site-repo
- git:
url: http://github-enterprise.service.consul/site/site.git
- master
- default_logrotate: &default_logrotate
name: "default_logrotate"
numToKeep: 100
- job:
name: ark-ci-online
<<: *default_logrotate
node: master
- site-repo
- gfw
- shell:
!include-raw tools/qaci/
- archive:
artifacts: "online.tag,ark_service_online.rev"
There are also many configuration item for jenkins plugins. I will describe thems in next post.