Introduction to beanstalk-clj

Getting started

Assume you have installed beanstalkd at the very begining. To start our trip, simply start it using: beanstalkd -VV (Let’s see what it really happens!):

~ % beanstalkd -VV
pid 6034
bind 4

To use beanstalk-clj we have to use the library and set up a connection to an (already running) beanstalkd server.

(use 'beanstalk-clj)

; Use `#{host}:#{port}` format string to set up client:
(def client (beanstalkd-factory "localhost:11300"))

; Or 2 parameters: host, port
(def client (beanstalkd-factory "localhost" 11300))

; Or default host ("localhost"), default port (11300)
(def client (beanstalkd-factory))

Inspect beanstalkd verbose log:

accept 6

Basic Operation

Now that we have a connection set up, we can enqueue jobs:

=> (put client "message")

Inspect beanstalkd:

<6 command put
<6 job 1
>6 reply INSERTED 1

Or we can request jobs:

=> (let [job (reserve client)]
    (.body job))

Inspect beanstalkd:

<6 command reserve
>6 reply RESERVED 1 7
>6 job 1

Once we are done with processing a job, we have to mark it as done, otherwise jobs are re-queued by beanstalkd after ttr (time-to-run, 120 seconds default) is surpassed. A job is marked as done by calling delete:

=> (delete job)

Inspect beanstalkd:

<6 command delete
>6 reply DELETED

If you use a timeout of 0, reserve will immediately return either a job or nil

=> (reserve client :with-timeout 0)

Inspect beanstalkd:

<6 command reserve-with-timeout
>6 reply TIMED_OUT

Note that beanstalk-clj requires a job bodies to be strings, otherwise throwing an exception:

=> (put client 1234)

ExceptionInfo throw+: {:type :type-error, :message "Job body must be a String"}  beanstalk-clj.core/put (core.clj:192)

There is no restriction on what characters you can put in a job body, so the can be used to hold artibrary binary data:

  • If you want to send images, just put the image data as a string;
  • If you want to send dictionary, just put the json or protobuf encoded string.

A more clojure-idiom interface would look something like following:

  => (with-beanstalkd (beanstalkd-factory)
#_=>  (use-tube "my-tube")
#_=>  (put "hello" :priority 0 :delay 0 :ttr 120))

  => (with-beanstalkd (beanstalkd-factory)
#_=>  (watch-tube "my-tube")
#_=>  (let [job (reserve)]
#_=>   (println (.body job))
#_=>   (delete job)))

Inspect beanstalkd:

<7 command use
>7 reply USING my-tube

<7 command put
<7 job 4
>7 reply INSERTED 4
close 7

accept 7

<7 command watch
>7 reply WATCHING 2

<7 command reserve
>7 reply RESERVED 4 5
>7 job 4

<7 command delete
>7 reply DELETED

close 7

Now for saving some typing with a little macro:

  => (defmacro beanstalk [& body]
#_=>  `(with-beanstalkd (beanstalkd-factory)
#_=>   ~@body))

Tube Management

A single beanstalkd server can provide many different queues, called list-tubes to see all available tubes:

=> (beanstalk (prn (list-tubes)))

A beanstalkd client choose one tube into which its job are put. This is the tube “used” by the client. To see what tube you are currently using:

=> (beanstalk (prn (list-tube-used)))

Unless told, otherwise, a client uses the default tube. If you want to use a different tube:

  => (beanstalk
#_=>  (use-tube "foo")
#_=>  (prn (list-tube-used)))

If you decide to use a tube, that does not yet exist, the tube is automatically created by beanstalk-clj:

  => (beanstalk
#_=>  (use-tube "foo")
#_=>  (prn (list-tubes)))
("default" "foo")

Of course, you can always switch back to the default tube. Tubes that don’t have any client using or watching, vanish automatically:

=> (beanstalk (use-tube "foo"))

  => (beanstalk
#_=>  (prn (list-tubes))
#_=>  (prn (list-tube-used)))

Further, a beanstalkd client can choose many tubes to reserve jobs from. These tubes are watched by client. To see what tubes you are currently watching:

=> (beanstalk (prn (watching)))

To watch an additional tube:

  => (beanstalk
#_=>  (watch-tube "bar")
#_=>  (prn (watching)))
("default" "bar")

As before, tubes that do not yet exist are created automatically once you start watching them.

  => (beanstalk
#_=>  (watch-tube "bar")
#_=>  (prn (list-tubes)))
("default" "bar")

To stop watching a tube:

  => (beanstalk
#_=>  (watch-tube "bar")
#_=>  (ignore "bar")
#_=>  (prn (watching)))

You can’t watch zero tubes. So if you try to ignore the last tube you are watching, this is silently ignored.

To recap: each beanstalkd client manages two separate concerns: which tube newly created jobs are put into, and which tube(s) jobs are reserved from. Accordingly, there are two separate sets of functions for these concerns:

  • use and using affect where jobs are put;
  • watch and watching control where jobs are reserved from.

Note that these concerns are fully orthogonal: for example, when you use a tube, it is not automatically watched. Neither does watching a tube affect the tube you are using.


Beanstalkd accumulated various statistics at the server/tube/job level. Statistical details for a job can only be retrieved during the job’s lifecycle. If you try to access job stats after the job was delted, you will get a command-failure exception:

  => (beanstalk
#_=>  (put "yo")
#_=>  (let [job (reserve)]
#_=>   (prn "stats: " (stats job))
#_=>   (delete job)
#_=>   (stats job)))
"stats: " {:ttr 120, :age 6829, :file 0, :kicks 0, :state "reserved", :releases 0, :id 2, :buries 0, :time-left 119, :timeouts 2, :delay 0, :tube "default", :reserves 3, :pri 2147483648}

ExceptionInfo throw+: {:type :command-failure, :status "NOT_FOUND", :results nil}  beanstalk-clj.core.Beanstalkd (core.clj:82)

Let’s have a look at some numbers for the default tube:

=> (beanstalk (prn (stats-tube "default")))
{:current-jobs-ready 2, :current-jobs-buried 0, :current-jobs-urgent 0, :current-jobs-reserved 0, :name "default", :total-jobs 4, :cmd-pause-tube 0, :cmd-delete 2, :pause-time-left 0, :current-watching 3, :current-jobs-delayed 0, :pause 0, :current-waiting 0, :current-using 3}

Finally, let’s go into server-level statistics:

=> (beanstalk (prn (stats-beanstalkd)))
{:binlog-records-written 0, :job-timeouts 0, :cmd-reserve 9, :current-producers 0, :current-jobs-ready 0, :current-jobs-buried 0, :total-connections 35, :cmd-reserve-with-timeout 7, :max-job-size 65535, :cmd-peek-ready 1, :cmd-ignore 2, :current-jobs-urgent 0, :cmd-stats-tube 2, :current-jobs-reserved 0, :binlog-current-index 0, :total-jobs 13, :uptime 122, :cmd-release 2, :rusage-utime 0.002703, :cmd-bury 1, :binlog-records-migrated 0, :hostname "Soasme-Retina-MacBook-Pro.local", :cmd-stats-job 10, :cmd-list-tubes 4, :cmd-pause-tube 0, :current-tubes 1, :cmd-peek-buried 0, :cmd-peek-delayed 0, :cmd-put 13, :cmd-peek 2, :pid 24244, :cmd-list-tube-used 6, :cmd-kick 0, :cmd-list-tubes-watched 3, :cmd-delete 13, :id "6fbc537ca40afe4a", :binlog-oldest-index 0, :cmd-stats 3, :rusage-stime 0.006188, :cmd-use 1, :current-jobs-delayed 0, :binlog-max-size 10485760, :version 1.9, :current-waiting 0, :cmd-touch 0, :cmd-watch 3, :current-workers 0, :current-connections 1}

Advanced Operation

In “Basic Operation” above, we discussed the typical lifecycle of a job:

 put            reserve               delete
-----> [READY] ---------> [RESERVED] --------> *poof*

(This picture was taken from beanstalkd's protocol documentation. It is
originally contained in `protocol.txt`, part of the beanstalkd

But besides ready and reserved, a job can also be delayed or buried. Along with those states come a few transitions, so the full picture looks like the following:

put with delay               release with delay
----------------> [DELAYED] <------------.
|                   |
| (time passes)     |
|                   |
put                  v     reserve       |       delete
-----------------> [READY] ---------> [RESERVED] --------> *poof*
^  ^                |  |
|   \  release      |  |
|    `-------------'   |
|                      |
| kick                 |
|                      |
|       bury           |
[BURIED] <---------------'
|  delete
`--------> *poof*

(This picture was taken from beanstalkd’s protocol documentation. It is originally contained in protocol.txt, part of the beanstalkd distribution.)

Now let’s have a practical look at those new possibilities. For a start, we can create a job with a delay. Such a job will only be available for reservation once this delay passes:

  => (beanstalk
#_=>  (put "yo" :delay 1)
#_=>   (prn (reserve :with-timeout 0))
#_=>   (let [job (reserve :with-timeout 1)]
#_=>    (prn (.body job))
#_=>    (delete job)))

To release job will put it back into the tube it came from; To bury job will put it aside and not available until execute kick; To kick with a bound number will send many jobs to be alived again:

  => (beanstalk
#_=>  (let [jid (put "yo")  job (reserve)]
#_=>   (release job)
#_=>   (prn (:state (stats-job jid)))
#_=>   (reserve)
#_=>   (bury job)
#_=>   (prn (:state (stats-job jid)))
#_=>   (kick 1)
#_=>   (prn (:state (stats-job jid)))
#_=>   (reserve)
#_=>   (delete jid)))

Inspecting jobs

Peek command allow us to inpect jobs without reserving and modifying their states, Note that this peek did not reserve the job:

=> (beanstak
    (let [jid (put "yo")]
     (prn (peek jid))
     (prn (:state (stats-job jid))))))
#<Job beanstalk_clj.core.Job@53273445>

If you try to peek at a non-existing job, you’ll get an exception:

=> (peek client 1234)

ExceptionInfo throw+: {:type :command-failure, :status "NOT_FOUND", :results nil}  beanstalk-clj.core.Beanstalkd (core.clj:82)

You can also use peek-delayed and peek-buried to inspect delayed jobs and buried jobs.

Job Priorities

If need arises, you can override this behaviour by giving different jobs different priorities. There are three hard facts to know about job priorities:

  1. Jobs with lower priority numbers are reserved before jobs with higher priority numbers.

  2. beanstalkd priorities are 32-bit unsigned integers (they range from 0 to 2**32 - 1).

  3. beanstalkc uses 2**31 as default job priority (beanstalkc.DEFAULT_PRIORITY).

=> (beanstalk
                #_=>  (let [jid42 (put "42" :priority 42)
                #_=>        jid21 (put "21" :priority 21)
                #_=>        jid21x2 (put "21x2" :priority 21)]
                #_=>   (prn (. (reserve) body))
                 #_=>  (delete jid21)
                #_=>   (prn (. (reserve) body))
                #_=>   (delete jid21x2)
                #_=>   (prn (. (reserve) body))
                #_=>   (delete jid42)))


=> (.close client)

That’s it, for now. We’ve left a few capabilities untouched (touch and time-to-run). But if you’ve really read through all of the above, send me a message and tell me what you think of it. And then go get yourself a treat. You certainly deserve it.