Alter multimethod


A multimethod is created using a defmulti form, and implementations of a multime- thod are provided by defmethod forms. The mnemonic is that they come in the same order as in the word multimethod itself: first you define the multiple dispatch then the methods to which calls are dispatched.

(defmulti delete
  (fn [instance & rest]
    (type instance)))

(defmethod delete Beanstalkd
  [beanstalkd jid]
  (interact beanstalkd
            (beanstalkd-cmd :delete jid)

(defmethod delete Job
  (delete (.consumer job) (.jid job)))

Alter (alter-var-root)

Atomically alters the root binding of var v by applying f to its current value plus any args

(defn sqr [n]
  "Squares a number"
  (* n n))

user=> (sqr 5)

user=> (alter-var-root
         (var sqr)                     ; var to alter
         (fn [f]                       ; fn to apply to the var's value
           #(do (println "Squaring" %) ; returns a new fn wrapping old fn
                (f %))))

user=> (sqr 5)
Squaring 5

Multimethod + Alter

It’s wrong simply calling (alter-var-root a-multi-fn newfn).

Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.MultiFn cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Var

The function wraped by defmulti is not actually fn but a MultiFn. There’s a table in MultiFn; dispatch key as table key; dispatch function as table value.

=> (methods delete)
{beanstalk_clj.core.Job #<core$eval882$fn__883 beanstalk_clj.core$eval882$fn__883@71345af1>,
beanstalk_clj.core.Beanstalkd #<core$with_beanstalkd_STAR_$fn__699 beanstalk_clj.core$with_beanstalkd_STAR_$fn__699@5a4bb836>}

As we can use remove-method to amend this table:

=> (remove-method delete Beanstalkd)
{beanstalk_clj.core.Job #<core$eval882$fn__883 beanstalk_clj.core$eval882$fn__883@ea6e48f>}

That says, we need not alter the fn definition but assoc table value.

How to alter

Since clojure standard library miss add-method for MultiFn, we have to write it outself just like remove-method methods that already exists.

This is clojure language’s definition of MultiFn:

public MultiFn addMethod(Object dispatchVal, IFn method) {
		methodTable = getMethodTable().assoc(dispatchVal, method);
		return this;
	finally {

We just need to wrap it like this:

(defn add-method
  [^clojure.lang.MultiFn multifn dispatch-val method]
  (. multifn addMethod dispatch-val method))

Now it’s so easy for us to alter a new function in multifn!

(defn- with-beanstalkd*
   (fn [& [beanstalkd & rest :as args]]
     (if (and (thread-bound? #'*beanstalkd*)
              (not (identical? *beanstalkd* beanstalkd)))
       (apply f *beanstalkd* args)
       (apply f beanstalkd rest))))

(defn inject-beanstalkd
  (let [f ((methods multifn) Beanstalkd)]
    (add-method multifn Beanstalkd (with-beanstalkd* f))))

(defmacro ^:private defmethod-beanstalkd
  [name & body]
     (defmethod ~name Beanstalkd ~@body)
     (inject-beanstalkd ~name)))


defmulti delete
  (fn [instance & rest]
    (type instance)))

(defmethod-beanstalkd delete
  [beanstalkd jid]
  (interact beanstalkd
            (beanstalkd-cmd :delete jid)

(defmethod delete Job
  (delete (.consumer job) (.jid job)))

The macro allow us to write code in 2 style as mentioned in prev post:

; Style 1
(def client (beanstalkd-factory))
(delete client 1)
(.close client)

; Style 2
(with-beanstalkd (beanstalkd-factory)
 (delete 1))