Relocatable virtualenv

virtualenv uses absolute path

You might be familiar with these commands:

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

After activating, virtualenv will change your sys env: $PATH. That’s what exactly executes in venv/bin/activate:


export PATH

You might have noticed that there is an absolute path /private/tmp/venv embed in the script.

Absolute path exists also in bin scripts.

$ head -n1 venv/bin/pip

In computing, a shebang is the character sequence consisting of the characters number sign and exclamation mark (#!) at the beginning of a script. That’s why there’s no need for activation when you directly run a venv/bin/pip.

You can find absolute path in each pyc file inside venv/lib dir.

In [1]: import marshal

In [2]: f = open('venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/__init__.pyc', 'rb')

In [3]:
Out[3]: '\x03\xf3\r\n\xc5\xd4\xf5V'

In [4]: code = marshal.load(f)

In [5]: print code.co_filename

relocatable problem

So here is the problem:

Since absolute path is tightly tied to so many files, it is impossible to copy venv to another computer.

Here is an example:

$ cp -r venv newenv
$ rm -rf venv
$ newenv/bin/pip --version
zsh: newenv/bin/pip: bad interpreter: /private/tmp/venv/bin/python2.7: no such file or directory

pip in newenv cannot find program /private/tmp/venv/bin/python2.7 to run itself due to missing venv.

virtualenv --relocatable ENV

You can fix up an environment to make it relocatable with --relocatable option.

NOTICE: you have to activate first and then run virtualenv --relocatable:

$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) /tmp % virtualenv --relocatable venv
Making script /private/tmp/venv/bin/easy_install relative
Making script /private/tmp/venv/bin/easy_install-2.7 relative
Making script /private/tmp/venv/bin/pip relative
Making script /private/tmp/venv/bin/pip2 relative
Making script /private/tmp/venv/bin/pip2.7 relative
Making script /private/tmp/venv/bin/python-config relative
Making script /private/tmp/venv/bin/wheel relative

$ head -n4 /private/tmp/venv/bin/pip
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

import os; activate_this=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), ''); exec(compile(open(activate_this).read(), activate_this, 'exec'), dict(__file__=activate_this)); del os, activate_this

We can see that pip is now using relative path by exec, instead of using shebang #!/private/tmp/venv/bin/python2.7 as first line. Shebang #!/usr/bin/env python2.7 will find python2.7 program defined in sys env $PATH. Line import os; ... will find python libraries by executing first, which insert venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ to sys.path if it is a *nix system.

You may happily copy venv to another place,

$ cp -r venv newenv
$ rm -rf venv
$ source newenv/bin/activate
(venv) $

But it comes to a totally mess:

source newenv/bin/activate won’t work. you might noticed that after activating, you did not enter into newenv, but entered into venv. It’s because the activate scripts are not currently made relocatable by virtualenv --relocatable.

Newly installed library won’t be relocatable if you don’t run --relocatable again. We can not easily run --relocatable in newenv environ, Since activate has broken I explained above. Let’s specify $PATH and $VIRTUAL_ENV to bypass it:

$ newenv/bin/python newenv/bin/pip install pytest
Collecting pytest
  Using cached pytest-2.9.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): py>=1.4.29 in ./newenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from pytest)
Installing collected packages: pytest
Successfully installed pytest-2.9.1

$ head -n3 newenv/bin/py.test

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

$ PATH=newenv/bin:$PATH VIRTUAL_ENV=newenv virtualenv --relocatable newenv
Making script /private/tmp/newenv/bin/py.test relative
Making script /private/tmp/newenv/bin/py.test-2.7 relative

$ head -n3 newenv/bin/py.test
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

import os; activate_this=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), ''); exec(compile(open(activate_this).read(), activate_this, 'exec'), dict(__file__=activate_this)); del os, activate_this

You can move the directory around, but it can only be used on other similar computers. Unicode representation in python is determined once compiled. Different platform may use different python versions.

C libraries may have different prefixes. different versions or different filesystem layout between computers. That will also cause virtualenv unrelocatable.

how to solve?


Thanks to armin. This is a useful tool to solve all the problems listed above.

Once copied venv on the target server, use the virtualenv-tools to update the paths and make the virtualenv magically work in the new location.

To also update the Python executable in the virtualenv to the system one you can reinitialize it:

$ virtualenv-tools --reinitialize newenv
Already using interpreter /Users/soasme/.pyenv/versions/2.7.11/bin/python2.7
New python executable in /private/tmp/newenv/bin/python2.7
Not overwriting existing python script /private/tmp/newenv/bin/python (you must use /private/tmp/newenv/bin/python2.7)
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
Overwriting /private/tmp/newenv/bin/activate with new content
Overwriting /private/tmp/newenv/bin/ with new content
Overwriting /private/tmp/newenv/bin/activate.csh with new content
Overwriting /private/tmp/newenv/bin/python-config with new content

$ virtualenv-tools --update-path /tmp/newenv newenv
A newenv/bin/activate
A newenv/bin/activate.csh
A newenv/bin/
S newenv/bin/python-config
B newenv/lib/python2.7/_abcoll.pyc
B newenv/lib/python2.7/_weakrefset.pyc
B newenv/lib/python2.7/abc.pyc
  • run virtualenv-tools --reinitialize will copy python binary in target computer into bin, instead of a python bin copied from build computer. That solved python unicode presentation problem, c libraries problem.
  • run virtualenv-tools --update-path solve activate problem, newly installed library problem by updating:
    • update shebang in the head of bin scripts
    • update PATH in activate scripts
    • update pyc in lib, since the are relative with Python unicode code
    • updat some symlinks

pip && wheel

pip has envolved these years:

  • pip download can download dependencies into a dir
  • pip wheel can build dependencies as wheel package( which is actually a zip file) into a dir. Wheels are the new standard of python distribution and are intended to replace eggs. There are several advantages of wheel. Fast is the most attractive property among them.
  • pip install --no-index --find-links can install libraries from a dir

These features make relocatable virtualenv not that much important.

We can totally create a new virtualenv environment at target computer, and install python from wheels.

since they are all created at target server,

  • unicode representing problem and c libraries problem won’t be an issue;
  • there is no need to update path.

I worked on implementing it these days and beeper is a library to build a tar that can deployed to anywhere.

